UPDATE: As of 10.14.19, the Going Out Groups (20s & 30s Going Out Group, 30s & 40s Going Out Group, Global Travelers Going Out Group) are now shut down. Thank you to everyone for being a part of them over the years! Note the eWheel Going Out Group is still active and running (click the icon down below to join)! See full retirement announcement here… https://goingoutgroup.com/retiregog/
With over 60,000 collective members and growing, we are an active network of people in the Washington DC metro area, who enjoy dancing, dining, pubs, outdoor activities, road trips, dinner parties, other local activities, and international travel.
We are married people, single people, new-in-towners, and people who have been in the DC area for a while and are simply looking for a new group to go out with. Are you new in town? Or have you been in the area for a while with the same 5, 10 or so friends, and are just looking to meet new people?
Membership is free. You only have to be friendly and fun to participate. Always have a reason to go out. We’re the only social group you’ll ever need. So come join us (click on the group icon[s] of interest below)!
Chief Entertainment Organizer

“They are really well organized and always try to make activities that fulfill the group interest.” — Jessica F
“It’s an amazing group – so many different people to meet and the organizers always pick the best locations and have the best meetup ideas.” — Ashley G
“After a few tries, I think I’ve finally found a good group. You guys are fun and interesting and friendly… which is missing elsewhere. Thanks for good times!” — Krissy L